Oct. 12, 2022

Yoga and Diet Culture with Jessica Grosman and Elyssa Toomey

Yoga and Diet Culture with Jessica Grosman and Elyssa Toomey

Diet and Wellness culture are multi million dollar industries and the intersection with the yoga world is pervasive.   In this episode of The Yoga Pro Podcast, Jessica Grosman and Elyssa Toomey join me to talk about what diet culture is, break...

Diet and Wellness culture are multi million dollar industries and the intersection with the yoga world is pervasive.


In this episode of The Yoga Pro Podcast, Jessica Grosman and Elyssa Toomey join me to talk about what diet culture is, break some misconceptions about what health looks like, and so much more.


Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or find it at www.theyogapropodcast.com


Jessica and Elyssa are both anti-diet registered dietitians who are on a mission to dismantle diet culture and helping clients find and maintain a healthy relationship with food.



-Alyssa and Jessica explain diet culture

-Why thinness doesn’t necessarily equal health

-Capitalist underpinnings of diet culture

-Harmful terms we use describing people in larger bodies and what to say instead

-How diet culture shows up in the yoga world

-Moving past asana in yoga

What is Advanced Yoga with Kaya Mindlin episode


-The relationship between perfectionism and diet culture

-Reframing asana cues

-The trouble with wellness culture and the harm it causes

-Getting into the body and slowing down instead of listening to rules of wellness

-The marketing of yoga, wellness, and diet culture

-The difference between eating disorder and disordered eating

-How focusing on clean eating can be harmful

-Changing our perceptions of “good” food and “bad” food and the moral value of food

-Scope of practice for yoga professionals regarding food and nutrition talk

-Making your yoga space safe for ALL bodies

-The blessing of online yoga for feeling safe

-Why the names of your classes matter

-Taking back yoga from diet culture

-Their inspiration to do this work



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Connect with Jessica and Elyssa:



Sign up for their November 2022 workshop




Connect with Pamela:




Email: info@interoceptiveperformance.com


Music:  The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission.  
